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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.
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#include "QGCMobileFileDialogController.h"

#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>

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QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(QGCMobileFileDialogControllerLog, "QGCMobileFileDialogControllerLog")

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QStringList QGCMobileFileDialogController::getFiles(const QString& fileExtension)
    QStringList files;

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    QDir fileDir(_getSaveLocation());
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    QFileInfoList fileInfoList = fileDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(QString("*.%1").arg(fileExtension)),  QDir::Files, QDir::Name);

    foreach (const QFileInfo& fileInfo, fileInfoList) {
        files << fileInfo.baseName() + QStringLiteral(".") + fileExtension;

    return files;

QString QGCMobileFileDialogController::fullPath(const QString& filename, const QString& fileExtension)
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    qDebug() << "QGCMobileFileDialogController::fullPath" << filename << fileExtension;
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    QString saveLocation(_getSaveLocation());
    if (saveLocation.isEmpty()) {
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        return filename;

    QString fixedFilename(filename);
    QString correctExtension = QString(".%1").arg(fileExtension);
    if (!filename.endsWith(correctExtension)) {
        fixedFilename += correctExtension;

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    QString fullPath = saveLocation + QDir::separator() + fixedFilename;
    qCDebug(QGCMobileFileDialogControllerLog) << "Full path" << fullPath;
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    return fullPath;

bool QGCMobileFileDialogController::fileExists(const QString& filename, const QString& fileExtension)
    QFile file(fullPath(filename, fileExtension));
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    qDebug() << "QGCMobileFileDialogController::fileExists" << file.fileName();
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    return file.exists();
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QString QGCMobileFileDialogController::_getSaveLocation(void)
    QStringList docDirs = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation);
    if (docDirs.count() <= 0) {
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        qCWarning(QGCMobileFileDialogControllerLog) << "No save location";
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        return QString();
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    QString saveDirectory = docDirs[0];
    if (!QDir(saveDirectory).exists()) {
    qCDebug(QGCMobileFileDialogControllerLog) << "Save directory" << saveDirectory;
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    return saveDirectory;
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