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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#include "KMLFileHelper.h"

#include <QFile>
#include <QVariant>
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const char* KMLFileHelper::_errorPrefix = QT_TR_NOOP("KML file load failed. %1");

QDomDocument KMLFileHelper::_loadFile(const QString& kmlFile, QString& errorString)
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    QFile file(kmlFile);


    if (!file.exists()) {
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        errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("File not found: %1").arg(kmlFile));
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        return QDomDocument();

    if (! {
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        errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("Unable to open file: %1 error: $%2").arg(kmlFile).arg(file.errorString()));
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        return QDomDocument();

    QDomDocument doc;
    QString errorMessage;
    int errorLine;
    if (!doc.setContent(&file, &errorMessage, &errorLine)) {
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        errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("Unable to parse KML file: %1 error: %2 line: %3").arg(kmlFile).arg(errorMessage).arg(errorLine));
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        return QDomDocument();

    return doc;

ShapeFileHelper::ShapeType KMLFileHelper::determineShapeType(const QString& kmlFile, QString& errorString)
    QDomDocument domDocument = KMLFileHelper::_loadFile(kmlFile, errorString);
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    if (!errorString.isEmpty()) {
        return ShapeFileHelper::Error;
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    QDomNodeList rgNodes = domDocument.elementsByTagName("Polygon");
    if (rgNodes.count()) {
        return ShapeFileHelper::Polygon;
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    rgNodes = domDocument.elementsByTagName("LineString");
    if (rgNodes.count()) {
        return ShapeFileHelper::Polyline;
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    errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("No supported type found in KML file."));
    return ShapeFileHelper::Error;
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bool KMLFileHelper::loadPolygonFromFile(const QString& kmlFile, QList<QGeoCoordinate>& vertices, QString& errorString)

    QDomDocument domDocument = KMLFileHelper::_loadFile(kmlFile, errorString);
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    if (!errorString.isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    QDomNodeList rgNodes = domDocument.elementsByTagName("Polygon");
    if (rgNodes.count() == 0) {
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        errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("Unable to find Polygon node in KML"));
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        return false;

    QDomNode coordinatesNode = rgNodes.item(0).namedItem("outerBoundaryIs").namedItem("LinearRing").namedItem("coordinates");
    if (coordinatesNode.isNull()) {
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        errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("Internal error: Unable to find coordinates node in KML"));
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        return false;

    QString coordinatesString = coordinatesNode.toElement().text().simplified();
    QStringList rgCoordinateStrings = coordinatesString.split(" ");

    QList<QGeoCoordinate> rgCoords;
    for (int i=0; i<rgCoordinateStrings.count()-1; i++) {
        QString coordinateString = rgCoordinateStrings[i];

        QStringList rgValueStrings = coordinateString.split(",");

        QGeoCoordinate coord;


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    // Determine winding, reverse if needed. QGC wants clockwise winding
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    double sum = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<rgCoords.count(); i++) {
        QGeoCoordinate coord1 = rgCoords[i];
        QGeoCoordinate coord2 = (i == rgCoords.count() - 1) ? rgCoords[0] : rgCoords[i+1];

        sum += (coord2.longitude() - coord1.longitude()) * (coord2.latitude() + coord1.latitude());
    bool reverse = sum < 0.0;
    if (reverse) {
        QList<QGeoCoordinate> rgReversed;

        for (int i=0; i<rgCoords.count(); i++) {
        rgCoords = rgReversed;

    vertices = rgCoords;

    return true;

bool KMLFileHelper::loadPolylineFromFile(const QString& kmlFile, QList<QGeoCoordinate>& coords, QString& errorString)

    QDomDocument domDocument = KMLFileHelper::_loadFile(kmlFile, errorString);
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    if (!errorString.isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    QDomNodeList rgNodes = domDocument.elementsByTagName("LineString");
    if (rgNodes.count() == 0) {
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        errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("Unable to find LineString node in KML"));
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        return false;

    QDomNode coordinatesNode = rgNodes.item(0).namedItem("coordinates");
    if (coordinatesNode.isNull()) {
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        errorString = QString(_errorPrefix).arg(tr("Internal error: Unable to find coordinates node in KML"));
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        return false;

    QString coordinatesString = coordinatesNode.toElement().text().simplified();
    QStringList rgCoordinateStrings = coordinatesString.split(" ");

    QList<QGeoCoordinate> rgCoords;
    for (int i=0; i<rgCoordinateStrings.count()-1; i++) {
        QString coordinateString = rgCoordinateStrings[i];

        QStringList rgValueStrings = coordinateString.split(",");

        QGeoCoordinate coord;


    coords = rgCoords;

    return true;