#include "QGCMapPolygon.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include "WimaArea.h"
#include "WimaMeasurementArea.h"
Valentin Platzgummer
#include "WimaMeasurementAreaData.h"
#include "WimaCorridorData.h"
#include "WimaServiceAreaData.h"
#include "PlanMasterController.h"
#include "MissionController.h"
#include "SurveyComplexItem.h"
#include "SimpleMissionItem.h"
#include "MissionSettingsItem.h"
#include "JsonHelper.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "WimaSettings.h"
#include "SettingsManager.h"
class WimaController : public QObject
enum FileType {WimaFile, PlanFile};
WimaController(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(PlanMasterController* masterController READ masterController WRITE setMasterController NOTIFY masterControllerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(MissionController* missionController READ missionController WRITE setMissionController NOTIFY missionControllerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* visualItems READ visualItems NOTIFY visualItemsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentFile READ currentFile NOTIFY currentFileChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList loadNameFilters READ loadNameFilters CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList saveNameFilters READ saveNameFilters CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString fileExtension READ fileExtension CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(WimaDataContainer* dataContainer READ dataContainer WRITE setDataContainer NOTIFY dataContainerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* missionItems READ missionItems NOTIFY missionItemsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* currentMissionItems READ currentMissionItems NOTIFY currentMissionItemsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList waypointPath READ waypointPath NOTIFY waypointPathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList currentWaypointPath READ currentWaypointPath NOTIFY currentWaypointPathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* enableWimaController READ enableWimaController CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* overlapWaypoints READ overlapWaypoints CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* maxWaypointsPerPhase READ maxWaypointsPerPhase CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* startWaypointIndex READ startWaypointIndex CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* showAllMissionItems READ showAllMissionItems CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* showCurrentMissionItems READ showCurrentMissionItems CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* flightSpeed READ flightSpeed CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* altitude READ altitude CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* reverse READ reverse CONSTANT)
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Q_PROPERTY(bool uploadOverrideRequired READ uploadOverrideRequired WRITE setUploadOverrideRequired NOTIFY uploadOverrideRequiredChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double phaseDistance READ phaseDistance NOTIFY phaseDistanceChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double phaseDuration READ phaseDuration NOTIFY phaseDurationChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool vehicleHasLowBattery READ vehicleHasLowBattery NOTIFY vehicleHasLowBatteryChanged)
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PlanMasterController* masterController (void) { return _masterController; }
MissionController* missionController (void) { return _missionController; }
QString currentFile (void) const { return _currentFile; }
QStringList saveNameFilters (void) const;
QString fileExtension (void) const { return wimaFileExtension; }
QmlObjectListModel* currentMissionItems (void);
QVariantList currentWaypointPath (void);
Fact* enableWimaController (void);
Fact* overlapWaypoints (void);
Fact* maxWaypointsPerPhase (void);
Fact* startWaypointIndex (void);
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Fact* showAllMissionItems (void);
Fact* showCurrentMissionItems(void);
Fact* flightSpeed (void);
Fact* altitude (void);
Fact* reverse (void);
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bool uploadOverrideRequired (void) const;
double phaseDistance (void) const;
double phaseDuration (void) const;
bool vehicleHasLowBattery (void) const;
// Property setters
void setMasterController (PlanMasterController* masterController);
void setMissionController (MissionController* missionController);
void setDataContainer (WimaDataContainer* container);
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void setUploadOverrideRequired (bool overrideRequired);
// Member Methodes
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Q_INVOKABLE void previousPhase();
Q_INVOKABLE void resetPhase();
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Q_INVOKABLE bool forceUploadToVehicle();
Q_INVOKABLE void removeFromVehicle();
Q_INVOKABLE bool checkSmartRTLPreCondition(); // wrapper for _checkSmartRTLPreCondition(QString &errorString)
Q_INVOKABLE bool calcReturnPath(); // wrapper for _calcReturnPath(QString &errorSring)#
Q_INVOKABLE bool executeSmartRTL(); // wrapper for _executeSmartRTL(QString &errorSring)
Q_INVOKABLE bool initSmartRTL();
Q_INVOKABLE void saveToCurrent ();
Q_INVOKABLE void saveToFile (const QString& filename);
Q_INVOKABLE bool loadFromFile (const QString& filename);
// static Members
static const char* wimaFileExtension;
static const char* areaItemsName;
static const char* missionItemsName;
static const char* settingsGroup;
static const char* endWaypointIndexName;
static const char* enableWimaControllerName;
static const char* overlapWaypointsName;
static const char* maxWaypointsPerPhaseName;
static const char* startWaypointIndexName;
static const char* showAllMissionItemsName;
static const char* showCurrentMissionItemsName;
static const char* flightSpeedName;
static const char* altitudeName;
static const char* reverseName;
QJsonDocument saveToJson(FileType fileType);
bool calcShortestPath(const QGeoCoordinate &start, const QGeoCoordinate &destination, QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path);
/// extracts the coordinates stored in missionItems (list of MissionItems) and stores them in coordinateList
bool extractCoordinateList(QmlObjectListModel &missionItems, QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinateList);
/// extracts the coordinates (between startIndex and endIndex) stored in missionItems (list of MissionItems) and stores them in coordinateList.
bool extractCoordinateList(QmlObjectListModel &missionItems, QList<QGeoCoordinate> &coordinateList, int startIndex, int endIndex);
/// extracts the coordinates stored in missionItems (list of MissionItems) and stores them in coordinateList
bool extractCoordinateList(QmlObjectListModel &missionItems, QVariantList &coordinateList);
/// extracts the coordinates (between startIndex and endIndex) stored in missionItems (list of MissionItems) and stores them in coordinateList.
bool extractCoordinateList(QmlObjectListModel &missionItems, QVariantList &coordinateList, int startIndex, int endIndex);
void masterControllerChanged (void);
void missionControllerChanged (void);
void visualItemsChanged (void);
void readyForSaveSendChanged (bool ready);
void currentMissionItemsChanged (void);
void currentWaypointPathChanged (void);
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void uploadOverrideRequiredChanged (void);
void phaseDistanceChanged (void);
void phaseDurationChanged (void);
void uploadAndExecuteConfirmRequired(void);
void vehicleHasLowBatteryChanged (void);
void returnBatteryLowConfirmRequired(void);
bool fetchContainerData();
bool calcNextPhase(void);
void recalcCurrentPhase (void);
bool setTakeoffLandPosition (void);
void updateSpeed (void);
void updateAltitude (void);
void checkBatteryLevel (void);
void smartRTLCleanUp (bool flying); // cleans up after successfull smart RTL
void enableDisableLowBatteryHandling (QVariant enable);
void _setPhaseDistance(double distance);
void _setPhaseDuration(double duration);
bool _checkSmartRTLPreCondition(QString &errorString); // should be called from gui, befor calcReturnPath()
bool _calcReturnPath(QString &errorSring); // Calculates return path (destination: service area center) for a flying vehicle
void _setVehicleHasLowBattery(bool batteryLow);
bool _executeSmartRTL(QString &errorSring);
void _loadCurrentMissionItemsFromBuffer();
void _saveCurrentMissionItemsToBuffer();
PlanMasterController *_masterController;
MissionController *_missionController;
QString _currentFile; // file for saveing
WimaDataContainer *_container; // container for data exchange with WimaController
QmlObjectListModel _visualItems; // contains all visible areas
WimaJoinedAreaData _joinedArea; // joined area fromed by opArea, serArea, _corridor
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WimaMeasurementAreaData _measurementArea; // measurement area
WimaServiceAreaData _serviceArea; // area for supplying
WimaCorridorData _corridor; // corridor connecting opArea and serArea
bool _localPlanDataValid;
QmlObjectListModel _missionItems; // all mission itmes (Mission Items) generaded by wimaPlaner, displayed in flightView
QmlObjectListModel _currentMissionItems; // contains the current mission items, which are a sub set of _missionItems,
// _currentMissionItems contains a number of mission items which can be worked off with a single battery chrage
QmlObjectListModel _missionItemsBuffer; // Buffer to store mission items, e.g. for storing _currentMissionItems when smartRTL() is invoked
QVariantList _waypointPath; // path connecting the items in _missionItems
QVariantList _currentWaypointPath; // path connecting the items in _currentMissionItems
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QGeoCoordinate _takeoffLandPostion;
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QMap<QString, FactMetaData*> _metaDataMap;
SettingsFact _enableWimaController; // enables or disables the wimaControler
SettingsFact _overlapWaypoints; // determines the number of overlapping waypoints between two consecutive mission phases
SettingsFact _maxWaypointsPerPhase; // determines the maximum number waypoints per phase
SettingsFact _nextPhaseStartWaypointIndex; // index (displayed on the map, -1 to get index of item in _missionItems) of the mission item
// defining the first element of the next phase
SettingsFact _showAllMissionItems; // bool value, Determines whether the mission items of the overall mission are displayed or not.
SettingsFact _showCurrentMissionItems; // bool value, Determines whether the mission items of the current mission phase are displayed or not.
SettingsFact _flightSpeed; // mission flight speed
SettingsFact _altitude; // mission altitude
SettingsFact _reverse; // Reverses the phase direction. Phases go from high to low waypoint numbers, if true.
int _endWaypointIndex; // indes of the mission item stored in _missionItems defining the last element
// (which is not part of the return path) of _currentMissionItem
int _startWaypointIndex; // indes of the mission item stored in _missionItems defining the first element
// (which is not part of the arrival path) of _currentMissionItem
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bool _uploadOverrideRequired; // Is set to true if uploadToVehicle() did not suceed because the vehicle is not inside the service area.
// The user can override the upload lock with a slider, this will reset this variable to false.
double _phaseDistance; // the lenth in meters of the current phase
double _phaseDuration; // the phase duration in seconds
QTimer _checkBatteryTimer;
bool _vehicleHasLowBattery;
bool _lowBatteryHandlingTriggered;