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Vehicle.h 66.9 KiB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.
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#include <QObject>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
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#include "FactGroup.h"
#include "LinkInterface.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
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#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
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#include "UASMessageHandler.h"
#include "SettingsFact.h"
class UAS;
class UASInterface;
class FirmwarePlugin;
class FirmwarePluginManager;
class AutoPilotPlugin;
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class MissionManager;
class GeoFenceManager;
class RallyPointManager;
class ParameterManager;
class JoystickManager;
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class UASMessage;
class SettingsManager;
class ADSBVehicle;
class QGCCameraManager;


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class Vehicle;

class VehicleDistanceSensorFactGroup : public FactGroup

    VehicleDistanceSensorFactGroup(QObject* parent = NULL);

    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationNone       READ rotationNone       CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationYaw45      READ rotationYaw45      CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationYaw90      READ rotationYaw90      CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationYaw135     READ rotationYaw135     CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationYaw180     READ rotationYaw180     CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationYaw225     READ rotationYaw225     CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationYaw270     READ rotationYaw270     CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationYaw315     READ rotationYaw315     CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationPitch90    READ rotationPitch90    CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rotationPitch270   READ rotationPitch270   CONSTANT)

    Fact* rotationNone      (void) { return &_rotationNoneFact; }
    Fact* rotationYaw45     (void) { return &_rotationYaw45Fact; }
    Fact* rotationYaw90     (void) { return &_rotationYaw90Fact; }
    Fact* rotationYaw135    (void) { return &_rotationYaw90Fact; }
    Fact* rotationYaw180    (void) { return &_rotationYaw180Fact; }
    Fact* rotationYaw225    (void) { return &_rotationYaw180Fact; }
    Fact* rotationYaw270    (void) { return &_rotationYaw270Fact; }
    Fact* rotationYaw315    (void) { return &_rotationYaw315Fact; }
    Fact* rotationPitch90   (void) { return &_rotationPitch90Fact; }
    Fact* rotationPitch270  (void) { return &_rotationPitch270Fact; }

    bool idSet(void) { return _idSet; }
    void setIdSet(bool idSet) { _idSet = idSet; }
    uint8_t id(void) { return _id; }
    void setId(uint8_t id) { _id = id; }

    static const char* _rotationNoneFactName;
    static const char* _rotationYaw45FactName;
    static const char* _rotationYaw90FactName;
    static const char* _rotationYaw135FactName;
    static const char* _rotationYaw180FactName;
    static const char* _rotationYaw225FactName;
    static const char* _rotationYaw270FactName;
    static const char* _rotationYaw315FactName;
    static const char* _rotationPitch90FactName;
    static const char* _rotationPitch270FactName;

    Fact _rotationNoneFact;
    Fact _rotationYaw45Fact;
    Fact _rotationYaw90Fact;
    Fact _rotationYaw135Fact;
    Fact _rotationYaw180Fact;
    Fact _rotationYaw225Fact;
    Fact _rotationYaw270Fact;
    Fact _rotationYaw315Fact;
    Fact _rotationPitch90Fact;
    Fact _rotationPitch270Fact;

    bool    _idSet; // true: _id is set to seen sensor id
    uint8_t _id;    // The id for the sensor being tracked. Current support for only a single sensor.
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class VehicleSetpointFactGroup : public FactGroup

    VehicleSetpointFactGroup(QObject* parent = NULL);

    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* roll       READ roll       CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* pitch      READ pitch      CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* yaw        READ yaw        CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* rollRate   READ rollRate   CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* pitchRate  READ pitchRate  CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* yawRate    READ yawRate    CONSTANT)

    Fact* roll      (void) { return &_rollFact; }
    Fact* pitch     (void) { return &_pitchFact; }
    Fact* yaw       (void) { return &_yawFact; }
    Fact* rollRate  (void) { return &_rollRateFact; }
    Fact* pitchRate (void) { return &_pitchRateFact; }
    Fact* yawRate   (void) { return &_yawRateFact; }

    static const char* _rollFactName;
    static const char* _pitchFactName;
    static const char* _yawFactName;
    static const char* _rollRateFactName;
    static const char* _pitchRateFactName;
    static const char* _yawRateFactName;

    Fact _rollFact;
    Fact _pitchFact;
    Fact _yawFact;
    Fact _rollRateFact;
    Fact _pitchRateFact;
    Fact _yawRateFact;

class VehicleVibrationFactGroup : public FactGroup

    VehicleVibrationFactGroup(QObject* parent = NULL);

    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* xAxis      READ xAxis      CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* yAxis      READ yAxis      CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* zAxis      READ zAxis      CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* clipCount1 READ clipCount1 CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* clipCount2 READ clipCount2 CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* clipCount3 READ clipCount3 CONSTANT)

    Fact* xAxis         (void) { return &_xAxisFact; }
    Fact* yAxis         (void) { return &_yAxisFact; }
    Fact* zAxis         (void) { return &_zAxisFact; }
    Fact* clipCount1    (void) { return &_clipCount1Fact; }
    Fact* clipCount2    (void) { return &_clipCount2Fact; }
    Fact* clipCount3    (void) { return &_clipCount3Fact; }

    static const char* _xAxisFactName;
    static const char* _yAxisFactName;
    static const char* _zAxisFactName;
    static const char* _clipCount1FactName;
    static const char* _clipCount2FactName;
    static const char* _clipCount3FactName;

    Fact        _xAxisFact;
    Fact        _yAxisFact;
    Fact        _zAxisFact;
    Fact        _clipCount1Fact;
    Fact        _clipCount2Fact;
    Fact        _clipCount3Fact;

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class VehicleWindFactGroup : public FactGroup

    VehicleWindFactGroup(QObject* parent = NULL);

    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* direction      READ direction      CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* speed          READ speed          CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(Fact* verticalSpeed  READ verticalSpeed  CONSTANT)

    Fact* direction     (void) { return &_directionFact; }
    Fact* speed         (void) { return &_speedFact; }
    Fact* verticalSpeed (void) { return &_verticalSpeedFact; }
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    static const char* _directionFactName;
    static const char* _speedFactName;
    static const char* _verticalSpeedFactName;

    Fact        _directionFact;
    Fact        _speedFact;
    Fact        _verticalSpeedFact;
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