#include "ChartPlot.h"
const QColor ChartPlot::baseColors[numColors] = {
QColor(242, 255, 128),
QColor(70, 80, 242),
QColor(232, 33, 47),
QColor(116, 251, 110),
QColor(81, 183, 244),
QColor(234, 38, 107),
QColor(92, 247, 217),
QColor(151, 59, 239),
QColor(231, 72, 28),
QColor(236, 48, 221),
QColor(75, 133, 243),
QColor(203, 254, 121),
QColor(104, 64, 240),
QColor(200, 54, 238),
QColor(104, 250, 138),
QColor(235, 43, 165),
QColor(98, 248, 176),
QColor(161, 252, 116),
QColor(87, 231, 246),
QColor(230, 126, 23)
// Initialize the list of curves.
// Set the grid. The colorscheme was already set in generateColorScheme().
_grid = new QwtPlotGrid;
_colors = QList<QColor>();
///> Color map for plots, includes 20 colors
///> Map will start from beginning when the first 20 colors are exceeded
for(int i = 0; i < numColors; ++i) {
// Now that all objects have been initialized, color everything.
QColor ChartPlot::getNextColor()
if(_nextColorIndex >= _colors.count()) {
_nextColorIndex = 0;
void ChartPlot::shuffleColors()
foreach(QwtPlotCurve* curve, _curves) {
if(curve->isVisible()) {
QPen pen(curve->pen());
void ChartPlot::styleChanged(bool styleIsDark)
// Generate a new color list for curves and recolor them.
for(int i = 0; i < numColors; ++i) {
_colors[i] = styleIsDark ? baseColors[i].lighter(150) : baseColors[i].darker(150);
// Configure the rest of the UI colors based on the current theme.
// Set canvas background
setCanvasBackground(QColor(0, 0, 0));
// Configure the plot grid.
_grid->setMinorPen(QPen(QColor(64, 64, 64), _gridWidth, Qt::SolidLine));
_grid->setMajorPen(QPen(QColor(96, 96, 96), _gridWidth, Qt::SolidLine));
} else {
// Set canvas background
setCanvasBackground(QColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
// Configure the plot grid.
_grid->setMinorPen(QPen(QColor(192, 192, 192), _gridWidth, Qt::SolidLine));
_grid->setMajorPen(QPen(QColor(128, 128, 128), _gridWidth, Qt::SolidLine));