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ScreenTools.qml 4.6 KiB
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Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
pragma Singleton

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import QtQuick 2.4
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Don Gagne committed
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
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import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed

import QGroundControl                       1.0
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Don Gagne committed
import QGroundControl.ScreenToolsController 1.0

Item {
dogmaphobic's avatar
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    id: _screenTools

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    signal repaintRequested

    property real availableHeight:          0
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    //-- These are computed at runtime
    property real defaultFontPointSize:     10
    property real defaultFontPixelHeight:   10
    property real defaultFontPixelWidth:    10
    property real smallFontPointSize:       10
    property real mediumFontPointSize:      10
    property real largeFontPointSize:       10
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dogmaphobic's avatar
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    readonly property real smallFontPointRatio:      0.75
    readonly property real mediumFontPointRatio:     1.25
    readonly property real largeFontPointRatio:      1.5
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    property bool isAndroid:        ScreenToolsController.isAndroid
    property bool isiOS:            ScreenToolsController.isiOS
    property bool isMobile:         ScreenToolsController.isMobile
    property bool isDebug:          ScreenToolsController.isDebug
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    property bool isTinyScreen:     (Screen.width / Screen.pixelDensity) < 120 // 120mm
    property bool isShortScreen:    ScreenToolsController.isMobile && ((Screen.height / Screen.width) < 0.6) // Nexus 7 for example
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed

    readonly property string normalFontFamily:      "opensans"
    readonly property string demiboldFontFamily:    "opensans-demibold"

    /* This mostly works but for some reason, reflowWidths() in SetupView doesn't change size.
       I've disabled (in release builds) until I figure out why. Changes require a restart for now.
    Connections {
        target: QGroundControl
        onBaseFontPointSizeChanged: {

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Don Gagne committed
    function mouseX() {
        return ScreenToolsController.mouseX()

    function mouseY() {
        return ScreenToolsController.mouseY()

    function setBasePointSize(pointSize) {
        _textMeasure.font.pointSize = pointSize
        defaultFontPointSize    = pointSize
        defaultFontPixelHeight  = _textMeasure.fontHeight
        defaultFontPixelWidth   = _textMeasure.fontWidth
        smallFontPointSize      = defaultFontPointSize  * _screenTools.smallFontPointRatio
        mediumFontPointSize     = defaultFontPointSize  * _screenTools.mediumFontPointRatio
        largeFontPointSize      = defaultFontPointSize  * _screenTools.largeFontPointRatio

dogmaphobic's avatar
dogmaphobic committed
    Text {
        id:     _defaultFont
        text:   "X"

Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
    Text {
        id:     _textMeasure
        text:   "X"    normalFontFamily
        property real   fontWidth:    contentWidth
        property real   fontHeight:   contentHeight
        Component.onCompleted: {
            var baseSize = QGroundControl.baseFontPointSize;
            //-- If this is the first time (not saved in settings)
            if(baseSize < 6 || baseSize > 48) {
                //-- Init base size base on the platform
                if(ScreenToolsController.isMobile) {
                    //-- Check iOS really tiny screens (iPhone 4s/5/5s)
                    if(ScreenToolsController.isiOS && Screen.width < 570)
                        baseSize = 9;
                    //-- iPhone 6/6s)
                    else if(ScreenToolsController.isiOS && Screen.width < 670)
                        baseSize = 10;
                    // Larger iOS (6/6s Plus or iPad)
                    else if(ScreenToolsController.isiOS)
                        baseSize = 13;
                    // Small Android Devices
                    else if((Screen.width / Screen.pixelDensity) < 120)
                        baseSize = 11;
                    // Other Android
                        baseSize = 14;
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                } else {
                    //-- Mac OS
                        baseSize = _defaultFont.font.pointSize;
                    //-- Linux
                    else if(ScreenToolsController.isLinux)
                        baseSize = _defaultFont.font.pointSize - 3.25;
                    //-- Windows
                        baseSize = _defaultFont.font.pointSize;
                QGroundControl.baseFontPointSize = baseSize
                //-- Release build doesn't get signal
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            } else {
                //-- Set size saved in settings
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