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QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station


This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project

    QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.


 * @file
 *   @brief Definition of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle object
 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#ifndef _UAS_H_
#define _UAS_H_

#include "UASInterface.h"
#include <MAVLinkProtocol.h>
#include <QVector3D>
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
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dogmaphobic committed
#include "FileManager.h"
#ifndef __mobile__
#include "JoystickInput.h"
#include "QGCHilLink.h"
#include "QGCFlightGearLink.h"
#include "QGCXPlaneLink.h"
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 * @brief A generic MAVLINK-connected MAV/UAV
 * This class represents one vehicle. It can be used like the real vehicle, e.g. a call to halt()
 * will automatically send the appropriate messages to the vehicle. The vehicle state will also be
 * automatically updated by the comm architecture, so when writing code to e.g. control the vehicle
 * no knowledge of the communication infrastructure is needed.
class UAS : public UASInterface
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Don Gagne committed
    UAS(MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, int id, MAV_AUTOPILOT autopilotType);
    float lipoFull;  ///< 100% charged voltage
    float lipoEmpty; ///< Discharged voltage

    /* MANAGEMENT */

    /** @brief The name of the robot */
    QString getUASName(void) const;
    /** @brief Get short state */
    const QString& getShortState() const;
    /** @brief Get short mode */
    const QString& getShortMode() const;
    /** @brief Get the unique system id */
    int getUASID() const;
    /** @brief Get the airframe */
    int getAirframe() const
        return airframe;
    /** @brief Get the components */
    QMap<int, QString> getComponents();

    /** @brief The time interval the robot is switched on */
    quint64 getUptime() const;
    /** @brief Add one measurement and get low-passed voltage */
    float filterVoltage(float value) const;
    /** @brief Get the links associated with this robot */
    QList<LinkInterface*> getLinks();
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Don Gagne committed
    bool isLogReplay(void);
    Q_PROPERTY(double localX READ getLocalX WRITE setLocalX NOTIFY localXChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double localY READ getLocalY WRITE setLocalY NOTIFY localYChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double localZ READ getLocalZ WRITE setLocalZ NOTIFY localZChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double latitude READ getLatitude WRITE setLatitude NOTIFY latitudeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double longitude READ getLongitude WRITE setLongitude NOTIFY longitudeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double satelliteCount READ getSatelliteCount WRITE setSatelliteCount NOTIFY satelliteCountChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool isLocalPositionKnown READ localPositionKnown)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool isGlobalPositionKnown READ globalPositionKnown)
    Q_PROPERTY(double roll READ getRoll WRITE setRoll NOTIFY rollChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double pitch READ getPitch WRITE setPitch NOTIFY pitchChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double yaw READ getYaw WRITE setYaw NOTIFY yawChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double distToWaypoint READ getDistToWaypoint WRITE setDistToWaypoint NOTIFY distToWaypointChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double airSpeed READ getGroundSpeed WRITE setGroundSpeed NOTIFY airSpeedChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double groundSpeed READ getGroundSpeed WRITE setGroundSpeed NOTIFY groundSpeedChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double bearingToWaypoint READ getBearingToWaypoint WRITE setBearingToWaypoint NOTIFY bearingToWaypointChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeAMSL READ getAltitudeAMSL WRITE setAltitudeAMSL NOTIFY altitudeAMSLChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeAMSLFT READ getAltitudeAMSLFT NOTIFY altitudeAMSLFTChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeWGS84 READ getAltitudeWGS84 WRITE setAltitudeWGS84 NOTIFY altitudeWGS84Changed)
    Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeRelative READ getAltitudeRelative WRITE setAltitudeRelative NOTIFY altitudeRelativeChanged)

    void setGroundSpeed(double val)
        groundSpeed = val;
        emit groundSpeedChanged(val,"groundSpeed");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"groundSpeed","m/s",QVariant(val),getUnixTime());
    double getGroundSpeed() const
        return groundSpeed;
    void setAirSpeed(double val)
        airSpeed = val;
        emit airSpeedChanged(val,"airSpeed");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"airSpeed","m/s",QVariant(val),getUnixTime());

    double getAirSpeed() const
        return airSpeed;

    void setLocalX(double val)
        localX = val;
        emit localXChanged(val,"localX");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"localX","m",QVariant(val),getUnixTime());
    double getLocalX() const
        return localX;

    void setLocalY(double val)
        localY = val;
        emit localYChanged(val,"localY");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"localY","m",QVariant(val),getUnixTime());
    double getLocalY() const
        return localY;

    void setLocalZ(double val)
        localZ = val;
        emit localZChanged(val,"localZ");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"localZ","m",QVariant(val),getUnixTime());
    double getLocalZ() const
        return localZ;

    void setLatitude(double val)
        latitude = val;
        emit latitudeChanged(val,"latitude");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"latitude","deg",QVariant(val),getUnixTime());
    double getLatitude() const
        return latitude;

    void setLongitude(double val)
        longitude = val;
        emit longitudeChanged(val,"longitude");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"longitude","deg",QVariant(val),getUnixTime());
    double getLongitude() const
        return longitude;
        altitudeAMSL = val;
        emit altitudeAMSLChanged(val, "altitudeAMSL");
        emit valueChanged(this->uasId,"altitudeAMSL","m",QVariant(altitudeAMSL),getUnixTime());
        altitudeAMSLFT = 3.28084 * altitudeAMSL;
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