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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield
 * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
 * included with this distribution, and on the website.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.

#define OSG_STENCIL 1

#include <osg/StateAttribute>

namespace osg {

#ifndef GL_INCR_WRAP
#define GL_INCR_WRAP 0x8507
#define GL_DECR_WRAP 0x8508

/** Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions.
*   All functionality except INCR_WRAP and DECR_WRAP is supported by OpenGL 1.1.
*   INCR_WRAP an DECR_WRAP are available since OpenGL 1.4 or when
*   GL_EXT_stencil_wrap extension is present.
*   If INCR_WRAP or DECR_WRAP values are used while they are detected to be not supported,
*   the INCR or DECR values are sent to OpenGL instead. Note: do not use Stencil::getFunction()
*   to detect whether WRAP operations is used as the object's value is kept intact.
*   Use osg::Stencil::getExtensions() method instead.
*   OpenGL 2.0 introduced two side stenciling that is available through
*   osg::StencilTwoSided class.
class OSG_EXPORT Stencil : public StateAttribute
    public :


        /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
        Stencil(const Stencil& stencil,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY):
            _writeMask(stencil._writeMask) {}

        META_StateAttribute(osg, Stencil, STENCIL);

        /** return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs.*/
        virtual int compare(const StateAttribute& sa) const
            // check the types are equal and then create the rhs variable
            // used by the COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter macros below.

            // compare each parameter in turn against the rhs.

            return 0; // passed all the above comparison macros, must be equal.

        virtual bool getModeUsage(StateAttribute::ModeUsage& usage) const
            return true;

        enum Function
            NEVER = GL_NEVER,
            LESS = GL_LESS,
            EQUAL = GL_EQUAL,
            LEQUAL = GL_LEQUAL,
            GREATER = GL_GREATER,
            GEQUAL = GL_GEQUAL,
            ALWAYS = GL_ALWAYS

        inline void setFunction(Function func,int ref,unsigned int mask)
            _func = func;
            _funcRef = ref;
            _funcMask = mask;

        inline void setFunction(Function func) { _func = func; }
        inline Function getFunction() const { return _func; }

        inline void setFunctionRef(int ref) { _funcRef=ref; }
        inline int getFunctionRef() const { return _funcRef; }

        inline void setFunctionMask(unsigned int mask) { _funcMask=mask; }
        inline unsigned int getFunctionMask() const { return _funcMask; }

        enum Operation
            KEEP = GL_KEEP,
            ZERO = GL_ZERO,
            REPLACE = GL_REPLACE,
            INCR = GL_INCR,
            DECR = GL_DECR,
            INVERT = GL_INVERT,
            INCR_WRAP = GL_INCR_WRAP,
            DECR_WRAP = GL_DECR_WRAP

        /** set the operations to apply when the various stencil and depth
          * tests fail or pass.  First parameter is to control the operation
          * when the stencil test fails.  The second parameter is to control the
          * operation when the stencil test passes, but depth test fails. The
          * third parameter controls the operation when both the stencil test
          * and depth pass.  Ordering of parameter is the same as if using
          * glStencilOp(,,).*/
        inline void setOperation(Operation sfail, Operation zfail, Operation zpass)
            _sfail = sfail;
            _zfail = zfail;
            _zpass = zpass;

        /** set the operation when the stencil test fails.*/
        inline void setStencilFailOperation(Operation sfail) { _sfail = sfail; }

        /** get the operation when the stencil test fails.*/
        inline Operation getStencilFailOperation() const { return _sfail; }

        /** set the operation when the stencil test passes but the depth test fails.*/
        inline void setStencilPassAndDepthFailOperation(Operation zfail) { _zfail=zfail; }

        /** get the operation when the stencil test passes but the depth test fails.*/
        inline Operation getStencilPassAndDepthFailOperation() const { return _zfail; }

        /** set the operation when both the stencil test and the depth test pass.*/
        inline void setStencilPassAndDepthPassOperation(Operation zpass) { _zpass=zpass; }

        /** get the operation when both the stencil test and the depth test pass.*/
        inline Operation getStencilPassAndDepthPassOperation() const { return _zpass; }

        inline void setWriteMask(unsigned int mask) { _writeMask = mask; }

        inline unsigned int getWriteMask() const { return _writeMask; }

        virtual void apply(State& state) const;

        /** Extensions class which encapsulates the querying of extensions and
          * associated function pointers, and provide convenience wrappers to
          * check for the extensions or use the associated functions.
        class OSG_EXPORT Extensions : public osg::Referenced
                Extensions(unsigned int contextID);

                Extensions(const Extensions& rhs);

                void lowestCommonDenominator(const Extensions& rhs);

                void setupGLExtensions(unsigned int contextID);

                void setStencilWrapSupported(bool flag) { _isStencilWrapSupported = flag; }
                bool isStencilWrapSupported() const { return _isStencilWrapSupported; }


                ~Extensions() {}

                bool _isStencilWrapSupported;

        /** Function to call to get the extension of a specified context.
          * If the Extension object for that context has not yet been created
          * and the 'createIfNotInitalized' flag been set to false then returns NULL.
          * If 'createIfNotInitalized' is true then the Extensions object is
          * automatically created. However, in this case the extension object
          * will only be created with the graphics context associated with ContextID.
        static Extensions* getExtensions(unsigned int contextID, bool createIfNotInitalized);

        /** The setExtensions method allows users to override the extensions across graphics contexts.
          * Typically used when you have different extensions supported across graphics pipes
          * but need to ensure that they all use the same low common denominator extensions.
        static void setExtensions(unsigned int contextID, Extensions* extensions);


        virtual ~Stencil();

        Function            _func;
        int                 _funcRef;
        unsigned int        _funcMask;

        Operation           _sfail;
        Operation           _zfail;
        Operation           _zpass;

        unsigned int        _writeMask;


