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WimaItemEditor.qml 5.4 KiB
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import QtQuick                  2.3
import QtQuick.Controls         1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles  1.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs          1.2
import QtQml                    2.2

import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0
import QGroundControl.Vehicle       1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls  1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0

/// Fly Area Item edit control
Rectangle {
    id:     _root
    height: editorLoader.visible ? (editorLoader.y + editorLoader.height + (_margin * 2)) : (commandPicker.y + commandPicker.height + _margin / 2)
    color:  _currentItem ? qgcPal.missionItemEditor : qgcPal.windowShade
    radius: _radius

    property var    map                 ///< Map control
    property var    wimaController
    property var    masterController
    property bool   readOnly            ///< true: read only view, false: full editing view
    property var    rootQgcView
    property int    _index

    signal clicked
    signal remove

    property var    _masterController:          masterController
    property var    _missionController:         _masterController.missionController
    property var    _polygon:                   object.polygon
    property bool   _currentItem:               object.isCurrentPolygon
    property color  _outerTextColor:            _currentItem ? qgcPal.primaryButtonText : qgcPal.text
    property real   _sectionSpacer:             ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2  // spacing between section headings

    readonly property real  _editFieldWidth:    Math.min(width - _margin * 2, ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 12)
    readonly property real  _margin:            ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
    readonly property real  _radius:            ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
    readonly property real  _hamburgerSize:     commandPicker.height * 0.75

    QGCPalette {
        id: qgcPal
        colorGroupEnabled: enabled

    FocusScope {
        id:             currentItemScope
        anchors.fill:   parent

        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill:   parent
            onClicked: {
                currentItemScope.focus = true

    QGCLabel {
        id:                     label
        anchors.verticalCenter: commandPicker.verticalCenter
        anchors.leftMargin:     _margin
        anchors.left:           parent.left
        text:                   _index+1
        color:                  _outerTextColor

    QGCColoredImage {
        id:                     hamburger
        anchors.rightMargin:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
        anchors.right:          parent.right
        anchors.verticalCenter: commandPicker.verticalCenter
        width:                  _hamburgerSize
        height:                 _hamburgerSize
        sourceSize.height:      _hamburgerSize
        source:                 "qrc:/qmlimages/Hamburger.svg"
        visible:                _currentItem
        color:                  qgcPal.text

    QGCMouseArea {
        fillItem:   hamburger
        visible:    hamburger.visible
        onClicked: {
            currentItemScope.focus = true

        Menu {
            id: hamburgerMenu

            MenuItem {
                text:           qsTr("Add Operating Area")
                onTriggered:    wimaController.addGlobalMeasurementArea()

            MenuItem {
                text:           qsTr("Add Service Area")
                onTriggered:    wimaController.addServiceArea()
            MenuItem {
                text:           qsTr("Delete")
                onTriggered:    remove()
                text:           qsTr("Change Area Type ...")
                onTriggered:    commandPicker.clicked()
    QGCButton {
        id:                     commandPicker
        anchors.topMargin:      _margin / 2
        anchors.leftMargin:     ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 2
        anchors.rightMargin:    ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
        anchors.left:           label.right  
        visible:                _currentItem
        text:                   object.objectName;

        Component {
            id: commandDialog

            MissionCommandDialog {
                missionItem: object

        onClicked: qgcView.showDialog(commandDialog, qsTr("Select Mission Command"), qgcView.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Cancel)
    QGCLabel {
        id:                 commandLabel
        anchors.fill:       commandPicker
        visible:            !_currentItem
        verticalAlignment:  Text.AlignVCenter
        text:               object.objectName;
        color:              _outerTextColor

    Loader {
        id:                 editorLoader
        anchors.leftMargin: _margin
        anchors.topMargin:  _margin
        anchors.left:       parent.left        commandPicker.bottom
        source:             object.editorQml
        visible:            _currentItem

        property var    masterController:   _masterController
        property real   availableWidth:     _root.width - (_margin * 2) ///< How wide the editor should be
        property var    editorRoot:         _root
} // Rectangle