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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#pragma once
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#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
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#include <QStringList>
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#include <QFile>
class MockLink;

/// Mock implementation of Mavlink FTP server.
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class MockLinkFTP : public QObject
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    MockLinkFTP(uint8_t systemIdServer, uint8_t componentIdServer, MockLink* mockLink);
    /// @brief Sets the list of files returned by the List command. Prepend names with F or D
    /// to indicate (F)ile or (D)irectory.
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    void setFileList(QStringList& fileList) { _fileList = fileList; }
    /// @brief By calling setErrorMode with one of these modes you can cause the server to simulate an error.
    typedef enum {
        errModeNone,                ///< No error, respond correctly
        errModeNoResponse,          ///< No response to any request, client should eventually time out with no Ack
        errModeNakResponse,         ///< Nak all requests
        errModeNoSecondResponse,    ///< No response to subsequent request to initial command
        errModeNakSecondResponse,   ///< Nak subsequent request to initial command
        errModeBadSequence          ///< Return response with bad sequence number
    } ErrorMode_t;
    /// @brief Sets the error mode for command responses. This allows you to simulate various server errors.
    void setErrorMode(ErrorMode_t errMode) { _errMode = errMode; };
    /// @brief Array of failure modes you can cycle through for testing. By looping through this array you can avoid
    /// hardcoding the specific error modes in your unit test. This way when new error modes are added your unit test
    /// code may not need to be modified.
    static const ErrorMode_t rgFailureModes[];
    /// @brief The number of ErrorModes in the rgFailureModes array.
    static const size_t cFailureModes;
    /// Called to handle an FTP message
    void handleFTPMessage(const mavlink_message_t& message);
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    /// @brief Used to represent a single test case for download testing.
    struct FileTestCase {
        const char* filename;               ///< Filename to download
        uint8_t     length;                 ///< Length of file in bytes
		int			packetCount;			///< Number of packets required for data
        bool        exactFit;				///< true: last packet is exact fit, false: last packet is partially filled
    /// @brief The numbers of test cases in the rgFileTestCases array.
    static const size_t cFileTestCases = 3;
    /// @brief The set of files supported by the mock server for testing purposes. Each one represents a different edge case for testing.
    static const FileTestCase rgFileTestCases[cFileTestCases];
    void enableRandromDrops(bool enable) { _randomDropsEnabled = enable; }

    /// You can connect to this signal to be notified when the server receives a Terminate command.
    void terminateCommandReceived(void);
    /// You can connect to this signal to be notified when the server receives a Reset command.
    void resetCommandReceived(void);
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    void        _sendAck                (uint8_t targetSystemId, uint8_t targetComponentId, uint16_t seqNumber, MavlinkFTP::OpCode_t reqOpCode);
    void        _sendNak                (uint8_t targetSystemId, uint8_t targetComponentId, MavlinkFTP::ErrorCode_t error, uint16_t seqNumber, MavlinkFTP::OpCode_t reqOpCode);
    void        _sendNakErrno           (uint8_t targetSystemId, uint8_t targetComponentId, uint8_t nakErrno, uint16_t seqNumber, MavlinkFTP::OpCode_t reqOpCode);
    void        _sendResponse           (uint8_t targetSystemId, uint8_t targetComponentId, MavlinkFTP::Request* request, uint16_t seqNumber);
    void        _listCommand            (uint8_t senderSystemId, uint8_t senderComponentId, MavlinkFTP::Request* request, uint16_t seqNumber);
    void        _openCommand            (uint8_t senderSystemId, uint8_t senderComponentId, MavlinkFTP::Request* request, uint16_t seqNumber);
    void        _readCommand            (uint8_t senderSystemId, uint8_t senderComponentId, MavlinkFTP::Request* request, uint16_t seqNumber);
    void        _burstReadCommand          (uint8_t senderSystemId, uint8_t senderComponentId, MavlinkFTP::Request* request, uint16_t seqNumber);
    void        _terminateCommand       (uint8_t senderSystemId, uint8_t senderComponentId, MavlinkFTP::Request* request, uint16_t seqNumber);
    void        _resetCommand           (uint8_t senderSystemId, uint8_t senderComponentId, uint16_t seqNumber);
    uint16_t    _nextSeqNumber          (uint16_t seqNumber);
    QString     _createTestCaseTempFile (const FileTestCase& testCase);
    /// if request is a string, this ensures it's null-terminated
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    static void ensureNullTemination(MavlinkFTP::Request* request);
    QStringList _fileList;  ///< List of files returned by List command
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    QFile                   _currentFile;
    ErrorMode_t             _errMode            = errModeNone;  ///< Currently set error mode, as specified by setErrorMode
    const uint8_t           _systemIdServer;                    ///< System ID for server
    const uint8_t           _componentIdServer;                 ///< Component ID for server
    MockLink*               _mockLink;                          ///< MockLink to communicate through
    bool                    _lastReplyValid     = false;
    uint16_t                _lastReplySequence  = 0;
    mavlink_message_t       _lastReply;
    bool                    _randomDropsEnabled = false;
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    static const uint8_t    _sessionId          = 1;    ///< We only support a single fixed session