Commit a5795382 authored by  Lukas Eller's avatar Lukas Eller


parent 80b3de45
......@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ Measurements and a 3D City Model."**
submitted for publication in IEEE Access.
It includes all the necessary code and data to reproduce the presented network planning scenarios.
Thus, it also includes the models trained on the extensive drive-test campaign.
Interested researchers are invited to also deploy them in other settings.
# Preparing the Repository
In order to run the scenarios it is required to download the exemplary environments using the following [link](
......@@ -21,3 +17,5 @@ The obtained `environment/` folder with all contained files has to be stored on
The `main` function in `` runs all scenarios defined in the `scenarios/` folder.
Each scenario contains a `config.json` file where parameters such as the height of the base station `h_bs`, the horizontal `phi_sec_h` and vertical `phi_sec_v` sector orientation as well as transmit power and frequence can be adapted.
Per default, the `` will generate all the scenarios presented in the paper. Note, that the uniform antenna patterns are specified through `phi_sec_h=null`.
We encourage interested readers to adapt the scenario configurations or to apply the trained models to their own use-cases altogether.
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