Commit e9ade5a0 authored by Gerfried Krainz's avatar Gerfried Krainz


parent 5c5c8001
......@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ See .bashrc for example configuration of pyenv.
Then create any venv with pyenv as always in your local HOME.
## Further steps
Clone this repo into your existing one and update the paths in, define your and exec ./
Clone this repo into your existing one and update the paths in, define your and exec ./ Use to list all CPU and Memory loads.
Voi là
......@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ ssh -q fc01 "[ ! -d $REMOTE_REPO_DIR/logf ] && ln -s /dev/shm/$REMOTE_REPO_NAME/
for i in {01..1}; do
for i in {01..10}; do
printf "FALCON $i | "
# Quit old screen session if it exists
ssh -q fc$i "screen -S $SCREEN_SESSION_NAME -X quit" > /dev/null
# Generate script and upload it
script_template "20230220 12-22-06" "\$(for j in {0..1}; do printf \"\$((\$j + 18 * ($i-1))) \" ; done)"
script_template "20230220 12-22-06" "\$(for j in {0..17}; do printf \"\$((\$j + 18 * ($i-1))) \" ; done)"
# Upload script to Falcon server
scp -q $SCRIPT_TEMP_DIR fc$i:/tmp
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